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Schroedinger’s Rat Lives!

Helen Sarros works new pneumatic tube system to take cash at the Marshall Field s store. Queen of Mighty Basement Consoie November 26, 1947) Sun-Times files

I wrote the first draft of Down The Tubes in November of 2013, for NaNoWriMo. I had such a great time, too! I loved my concept, utterly and completely. I’ve always been fascinated by pneumatic mail systems and had a great time hauling them into my universe. I felt so very clever, and especially enjoyed launching the adventure by killing a rat.

Now, approaching two years and two drafts later, that initial thrill has worn off, and I’m seeing the manuscript through more critical eyes. Earlier this year, I had distinct plans to have Down The Tubes finished by the end of spring. After wrestling mightily with the first two chapters, I adjusted those expectations to late summer.

rat with cheeseThen it was decided that the rat should live. And that notion led to an entirely new chapter two. Suddenly, chapter one looked awfully boring in comparison. You see where I’m going. My new mantra is, ‘Do you want it fast, or do you want it good?’ Down The Tubes will be ready when it’s ready. I’d like to say by the end of the year, but really, it will be done when its done and I’m not able to predict when that will be right now. I will probably write more short stories about the adventures of various kids in my land of Industralia now and then too, whenever I need a break from the Tubes.

But the good news is, I still love my concept. Once I get the first three chapters re-hammered out, I think the entire middle section flows well and is filled with interesting people and situations.  Lots of people from many walks of life and a variety of attitudes and priorities.  Due to a letter mix-up with the pneumatic mail service, many of them end up crossing paths,  which creates some unlikely new partnerships and friendships. It’s a big cast of characters, and I like em all. I hope you will too.

And I hope you will be happy that the rat lives, this time.